My Girls...
I thought i would post a few pictures of the 3 people i have spent most of my life with for the past 2 years while being a dental hygiene student!

Let me start with Melissa, she's on the far right! I love being around Melissa! I don't think i've ever seen her in a bad mood! The best thing about being around her is that she laughs at EVERYTHING, so i feel like the funniest person ever when i talk to her! She always brings the best treats to class! She always speaks her mind! Driving in her sweet car is the best...especially when she cranks up her EMINEM! Oh, good times! I don't think i'll ever be as tan as Melissa---now that the stress of school is over maybe she'll whiten up a bit! ha ha ha I never would have made it without her!
Then to the left, well that's me of course, then there's Crystal! If i could shake it like her...brett would love me even more! DAMN!! She for sure always kept the party-aka-class hoppin! Crystal is so full of it! Always laughing out loud, singing, dancing, running into walls, or doing something to let everyone know she's there! She knows EVERYTHING! I think she remembers everything that every teacher has EVER told her! Just ask her....she'll tell you! She also knows all the words to all the oldies songs...she killed me at that part of name that tune!
Kelsie on the far left. Keys is a hoot. She talks with cool/funny terms and she always has a couple guys on the side... never short in the drama department! She has the best stories! Kels is always living on the edge... and about to run out of gas in her car at any given time! She's smart, fun athletic and we laugh a ton together!
Happy 24th Brett!
About a month or so ago, Brett and I were talking about what he wanted for his upcoming birthay. He didn't really give me any gift ideas, but he did mention his cake. He asked, "Are you going to make me a 'special cake' like my mom always did?" Well, those are words that a new wife never wants to hear! If I am expected to do everything as well as his mom, then I'm in big trouble! I questioned Brett about his previous "special cakes!" Well, one year his mom made him a soccer ball cake and another time he got a spider-shaped cake. I kinda laughed and told him that those cakes were probably made for him when he was like 5 years old... So the conversation ended. A couple of weeks before his birthday we were talking about it again and he jokingly brought up the cake idea again. I blew him off, but not in the back of my mind!! I don't think he was ever really being THAT serious, but he brought it up more than once....
While Brett was at school one day a couple days before the big celebration with his whole family, I found the perfect cake design--A BUTTERFLY!! I had to really get him for all the pressure he was putting on me!!! ha ha ha So, I took it over to my friends' house, baked it, and hurried home before he was done with class.

Luckily that night Brett had to go to work. As soon as he was out the door, I jumped in my car and ran back over to my friends house frost the cake and make the finishing touches!! I was giggling the whole time I was making it! A pink, purple, and yellow butterfly is not what this boy was expecting---AT ALL!!!
I also have to tell how big of a pain he was being about his whole birthday in general! If I was out running errands or talking on the phone he was like, "what are you doing? Is it something for my birthday?!" I also noticed that he had gone on line and checked our bank account activity...when I asked him about it he said, "well, i know you shopped for me at American Eagle and Aeropostale!" Way to ruin your own birthday!! I had to laugh even though he was being a brat!! I was really excited about the cake because it was a surprise!

So, i stored it at my friends for a day, then had her take it to Brett's parents for me before we got there so I didn't have to make up some excuse to stop by her house when we headed to his parents for the get together! I brought it out of the house as his family sang Happy Birthday! His reaction was classic as you can see in this picture! I don't think he really knew what to say! Actually, he didn't believe that I made it because it turned out pretty dang cute! His whole family knew about it and the story behind the butterfly! They all got a kick out of it! He actually was very appreciative that I went through all the trouble just to make him a special cake---he didn't really think i would--especially in the form of a butterfly! Ha ha ha! That'll teach him to ever ask for a "special cake" again!
I'll be back....
I hate having no time! I always find time to stop by my blogs and a few others, but less and less are my posts (other than the ones required for school). I'm sorry to my fellow bloggers who might be stopping by and finding nothing new! I have some fun pics to post, so i'll be back soon! Stay tuned!