Monday, October 09, 2006


So, i'm a little late in posting this, but Brett and I visited Ohio State a few weekends ago for his interview. It was a fun little weekend getaway! I have a friend in the dental program there, so we stayed with him and his new wife (as of July)! It was so fun to get to know her since i'd only met her a couple of times, once included their reception! Anyway, We spent friday night driving around the area they live in. I feel really bad, because i am addicted to taking pictures, and there were a ton of great shots, i just didn't really take a lot. This is just a cheezy one of me in front of the "Welcome" basket that Kristina made for us. It was in our room when we got to their apt. Full of towels, and wash cloths, toothbrushes, toothpaste and soap! She is too cute!
Brett's interview process took the majority of Saturday. Luckily i got to be with him for most of it. They had a wonderful breakfast for all of the applicants and their guests. While Brett interviewed I got to go on a bus tour of campus. HOLY COW....let's just say that Weber is about 1/100th of the size of Ohio State!! It took about 30 minutes, just to drive through campus. It was crazy! Apparently they are the 3rd largest school in the US. Football is HUGE all should know (unless you don't care for football) they are #1 in the nation right now! So, the school pride there is unreal! My younger bro, Kolby is a huge fan so of course he asked me to grab him a souvenier. I was worried we might not find any, since the school wouldn't be open on saturday...oh, don't you worry...the minute we stepped off the airplane all we could see was Oho State Buckeye apparel EVERYWHERE---airport, grocerystores, gas stations, pet shop (funny, we really went to one), at the interview! RED EVERYWHERE! It kinda made me have some pride for the Buckeyes myself! ha ha ha So, basically i didn't have any trouble getting Kolbs a tshirt!

Anyway, we toured campus by bus, then did a walking tour of the clinic and dental school. It seemed nice. The clinic is huge...well i'm just comparing it to Weber's 20 operatories. The school really catered to the applicants, which was really impressive. We were served a wonderful lunch also. From talking to some of the other applicants who have already interviewed at other schools, they said they liked OSU the best as far as feeling welcome and the staff trying to impress the applicants instead of them trying to impress the school. I think that says a lot about the program, and hopefully they would treat the students in the same manner. Brett felt good about his interview; he said it was really relaxed and he felt i guess we just see how it goes from there! We won't hear until the first part of December. I met alot of other wives that were there because their husbands were also applying. There were about 5 others from WSU.

I am excited for the future! It's weird to think we could be living far from Utah at this time next year, and comforting at the same time to know that it is only temporary! Here's one other picture i got. It's not the best, but it's one of "The Shoe," OSU's football of the main points of the tour! Wish we could have gone to a game!We enjoyed our weekend. The worst part was feeling so lost in a new area without mountains to tell me which way is East!! I'm sure that is something that could be overcome though!


At 7:08 AM, Blogger Min said...

We were told when we moved away from UT that we needed to have a compass in the car (the computerized kind that is in the car). You just have different directions... left and right instead of N, E, W, S. Good luck Brett! Glad you had a good time with James and his wife.

At 4:08 PM, Blogger BreAnna said...

How cute that she made a basket for you, that is so nice. I am so excited for you, you are going to have a great time where ever you deciede to go! It really is a chance of a lifetime! Goodluck and keep us posted!

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jami, I just saw your comment on my blog, its nice to see you still checking in on me! Anyway, congratulations on the Ohio State interview. It sounds like this is a really exciting time for you and Brett! That will be me next year... I'm engaged! We are getting married on December 29th. Its really soon and we totally have no plan for next semester but it feels great. (Its crazy what people will do for love!)

Anyway, I really enjoyed reading about your tissue check appointment. I am really proud of you and I hope to be as successful someday. Today my patient was 20 and had already had multiple extractions due to caries but he didn't seem to interested in OHI and it was really hard for me but maybe more got through than I thought! Anyway, good luck and I'll look forward to hearing from you again.


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