Tuesday, September 12, 2006

some good, some bad...

I just returned home to my husband and home after spending the last couple of days in Salt Lake at mom's house. It has been a weekend of ups and downs. It started with good news on Friday night. I was getting ready for bed when i heard Brett call to me from the other room asking if i wanted to go on a trip in a couple weeks? I was confused and asked, "a trip to where?" As i walked into the room he was sitting in front of the computer reading an email. His response was..."Ohio State, for my 1st dental school interview!!" I started jumping around and hugging him....and he looked at me like i was a weirdo and we had a good laugh! This is the first we've heard from any of the schools he applied to so it's a little crazy. Brett all of a sudden got a little nervous knowing that it's for real. His interview is in just a couple of weeks---really soon. I am going to go to this one with him. We actually have a friend that is going to school there now, so he is letting us bombard him and his wife (of 2 months) for a weekend! They are excited to show us around and have some company and we are really excited to go! I've never been further east than Colorado (and Cancun if that counts!)

On Sunday night my mom called with sad news about my youngest brother and they were on their way to the emergency room. He was with some friends goofing around---they're teenagers---One friend was hitting golf balls, another friend threw a football at the golfer and he took a big swing at it. Kolby was just an innocent bystander. When the football and golf club made contact the club busted in 1/2 and the broken piece flew back towards Kolby. He couldn't jump out of the way fast enough and it ended up hitting him in the toe. REally, it doesn't seem that bad until you know the broken end took a huge chunk out of his left big toe. THe emergency room dr. referred him to a specialist for surgery 1st thing monday morning.

I don't know if i am super sensitive or what, but this was a hard one to take. Kolby is my youngest brother and we have been attached at the hip since he was born. The worst part is that this is taking him out of football for the rest of the season. The kid lives and breathes to play football. This is his first year of high school ball and he has been working his tail off for his position on the team and now this. I went down to SL monday morning to take him to surgery. It so happened that my mom also had a dr appt that day that had been rescheduled about 3 times already, so it worked out nicely that i wasn't working! The doctor ended up taking out the stitches that were placed the night before. His tendon had been cut and needed to be reattched so he could lift his toe up...otherwise it was hanging limp. I actually sat in the room and talked to kolby the whole time. He only needed local anesthesia. That was hard to watch him cringe while the doc stuck him about 12 times. The doctor asked if i was his sister....then he told us how he could tell that we had a special relationship. I must have been babying him!! The funniest thing was that kolby made sure with the doctor that he could still take his date to homecoming this weekend! He just turned 16 and this Saturday is his first date...he's gonna be a little bit of a gimp and has to wear "the boot," but he got permission to go! I spent the night at mom's...on the couch next to my baby! I had to get him up every 3 hours to give him pain meds and antibiotics. Everyone at home had to work except us, so today we just got to hang out and watch movies. We also talked about football, and it was a tear-jerker. I just feel so bad because he's been working so hard to play. The doc said at least 4 weeks before any play. By then the season will basically be done. Hopefully the next 2 years will be good for him as far as football goes, and he heals fast enough to start up for basketball!

The other good news is Brett got an invite for an interview at Case-Western, also in Ohio. He told me that last night over the phone. It was a nice end to a long day! It's really weird to think that by this time next year if something works out for us we could be moved out of state starting a whole new life! I am excited for the future!! AND---i can't wait to land on my pillow tonight....it will be nice to have an uninterrupted sleep.


At 10:42 PM, Blogger Amy D. said...

That is soooooooooo great. Congrats!!! I know what a major accomplishment and relief that is. Best of luck to you and Brett at the interviews. Love you guys!

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Min said...

What is the Brklacich facination with the ER? Hope Kolb gets better soon. Homecoming will be so much fun with a big boot on his foot, but at least he still gets to go (I can't believe he is 16!)

Congrats on the Dental School interviews. Let us all know how they go! Good Luck Brett and hope y'all have fun on your trip(s).


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