Saturday, July 01, 2006

What's Goin On Here?

Before school was out i found out about this great office that would be needing a hygienist. I did my working interview there and was waiting for my license to arrive. I put all my eggs in one basket and they got thrown back in my face! Brett even warned me about that and i didn't listen to him. I was really excited about this office and got a little too much false hope from the front office manager there. I knew she was pushing for me from the get-go. It ended up not working out because the dr knew a little too much about me. He knew Brett would be applying for dental school and that we could possibly be gone in the next year. He told me he didn't want to have to go through the hiring process all over again in a year that's why he would be hiring someone else. So, is that discrimination? I feel a little ripped. We don't even know for sure if we will be gone or not, but oh well. I now know you can be honest, but just not too open when looking for jobs.

I don't know about this whole hygiene thing. As for now i will be temping around. I've temped a few different times since my license came and it's nice to have them cut a check for your work at the end of each day. At the same time it's hard being in offices for the first time and not knowing anyone or anything about that office! Although, I have learned that if you sit down with the assistants at lunch you will find out all you need to know (and sometimes more than you need/want to know) about that office! There are a lot of crazy people out there!! ha ha ha

On Thursday I felt like the local anesthesia queen. Not only did I have to numb one of my patients for scaling and root planing, but the doctor had me numb for a couple different procedures...including a wisdom teeth surgery. I don't think i've given that many shots all at once since we did our LA labs last fall at the WSU clinic (poor Melissa!). I also saw a 16 year old girl that day. As i updated her HHX she informed me that she couldn't have xrays because she is 2 months pregnant. My heart went out to her. I felt so greatful that I am able to have my education and be at this spot in my life. She will have so much responsibility to take on at such a young age. I felt comfortable talking with her and could tell that she trusted me as a health care provider. I was glad that i could teach her the importance of her home care during her pregnancy and she seemed very attentive and interested, so i hope she really took it all in. I think i need to brush up a little on pt education, but for the most part i felt pretty good about it!

Enough hygiene stuff....I will be posting some Lake Powell picts soon so stay tuned!!


At 9:49 AM, Blogger The Obergs said...

I think you were discrimanted against. I'm sorry things turned out the way they did.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Mary Ann said...

I am jealous of your LA experiences. My fingers are just itching to sink my needle into that sweet spot! And I too think you were discrimanated against! That sucks! It is totally not fair. I hope he gets stuck with a crappy hygienist who leaves in 1 year!


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