Monday, May 08, 2006


Well, the 2 big events that every Weber State Dental Hygiene student looks forward to for two long years has already come and gone! It all went by so fast! Our banquet was in Salt Lake City at the beautiful Joseph Smith Memorial Building! Everything looked great...especially all of the students! It was a fun night, kinda long...but i think everyone was expecting that! My favorite parts were the "OCD" awards! Everyone got a kick out of those. It's so true, to be in DH you have to have some kind of OCD disorder! Brett actually told me that I am OCD today because i was telling him how to clean the bathroom (my way)!

Graduation was fun! The 3 stooges (crystal, meliss and me) decided to all buy matching shoes for the occasion!A girl can never have too many shoes! Right?! They were a little extreme and i don't think i even have an outfit that will match, so they might just be a one time use--or maybe it's a good excuse to go shopping! ha ha ha It was a fun little thing to do! The are the crayola "sea-green"---does anyone remember that crayon?!

The speakers were pretty dry, so we stayed entertained by taking self-portraits and waving to family members in the crowd! It was really cool to see Joy Gall get the Health Professions "Teacher of the Year" award! Our class gave her a much deserved standing ovation! It was fun to walk the walk and get an empty diploma! ha ha ha Then on to more pictures! Crystal's mother-in-law handed out those gross looking Billy-Bob teeth to all of us...she said she had never seen a group of people with whiter teeth! So, we had to take some pics with them in!
Then this is the crew for a normal picture! Dang, we're cute!!

It was a good day! I can't believe it's over though. It hasn't really sunk in for me yet...with clinical boards in 2 days i still am feeling a little anxious! Wednesday should be the last day of nerves then Thursday Brett and I are off to California for a week!! OHHH, i can hardly wait! Finally, i can just relax for a while!!!


At 9:03 AM, Blogger Min said...

Congrats Boo! Good luck with your boards. It will be so nice to have everything done and over. Havve fun in CA!

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Way to go! I can't tell you enough how awesome you are and thanks for everything! Boards will go great next week! It really is easy!!! Take your time and just enjoy a 2 hour quad cleaning- that will never happen again in your life!! Ha!!! Keep in touch!!! :)

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Amy D. said...

Congrats!!! What an accomplishment! Hopefully we'll see you at Kimby's shower or will you still be in CA? Have fun! That sounds very nice right now. -Amy

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

ok boards are over... Fill me in!!!


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