Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Summer is almost over and i get a little sad to think about it so i thought i would post about our last couple of trips to the lake---my mostest favorite summer activity!! A couple of weeks ago we went up to East Canyon with a few of Brett's family members. Holy cow....after swimming in Lake Powell you tend to get a little spoiled and accustomed to the warm water! BURRRRR---East Canyon is anything but warm! It was beautiful though!Me on the wakeboardBrett on the slalom ski (that spelling looks bad)!

Last week we went out with my family to Utah's for sure not the cleanest lake around, but it's warmer than East Canyon and only 15 minutes from my mom's house, so ya can't beat that! Plus....when it's 100 degrees outside, who cares how clear the water is, right? We had a great time! My 3 younger brothers, momma Max, Brett and i went out then my dad met up with us later. We passed the time wakeboarding and skiing until my dad arrived...then the infamous tube came into play! Let's just say "the circle of death" is something my brothers think is the greatest thing in the world (as long as they come out alive)!Momma Max backing the boat down the ramp
Me in the middle of 2 of my younger brothers, Brody and Bridger
My 3 younger brothers Bridger, Brody and Kolby going for the ride of their lives! I wish i could figure out how to put videos on this from my was pretty entertaining. I only lasted a few minutes before i launched straight up and back flipped out of the tube....when i came to, my brothers were still in the tube and my dad was trying his hardest to throw em off! Good times! i will sure miss summer!


At 11:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey- think of you often and miss ya tons! Sounds like you have had a great summer and things are going well!! We should chat sometime! I am off the blogging world- need to get my groove back, but send me an e-mail and fill me in on things? Any news about dental schools?? Love Vegas- i vote you should move there!! I went to Jr. High and high school and loved it there. Even went back for some college before hygiene school!! Anyways, my e-mail is
Hope to hear from you soon! take care! Jess

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Mary Ann said...

Jami, even though summer is almost over it sounds like you played the heck out of it! I am so glad you had a great one!!!! I love that you keep blogging! It is so great to stay in touch with you even though you are so far away! See you in about 10 days.


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