Wednesday, July 12, 2006

July's Events...

On the 4th Brett's family does this tradition for everyone who wants to participate. The fitness freaks go to Henefer (a tiny town about 15 minutes west of Morgan) to run in the 5K and all the others go golfing! I decided to run....of course Brett went golfing! I really am not a runner no matter how many times i try to convince myself otherwise! A few of Bretts sisters are really into it so it makes me want to be a runner! I completed my first 5K! It was a big accomplishment for me! YAY! I kept about a 9 minute mile, running the whole way, so i felt pretty good about it! Of course we had to take pics in our HENEFER shirts! They did a drawing after and i won a day will be nice for hiking and such!

My (obviously) beautiful cousin got married on July 8th in the Bountiful Temple! We had a busy weekend with the luncheon the day before that. Brett has been working on their wedding video for the past month. It turned out really cute. He has such a talent for that stuff! Then we spent about an hour after the ceremony following the couple around with their photographer to get film footage to add to the video later. They are such a model couple! Their kids will be gorgeous! Love ya Jill Pill!

My birthday was on the 9th! Brett gave me breakfast in bed! It was so nice to be pampered! His gifts included a bike helmet, a bike lock and a lemon zester (random, but i asked for it)---and a new mountain bike!! We went and picked one out at the bike shop at Canyon Sports last week. They are building it and if i ever get a spare minute we can go pick it up! I will post pics when it comes!! I can't wait! We celebrated July bdays with Bretts fam last week on the 4th. There were four of them! This is a funny pic of when we were being sung to! They used sparklers instead of candles and the little kids were trying to blow them out. It got a little dangerous!! On my bday we went over to Brett's sister's house because they wanted to throw a party for me! The have 2 little boys--4 and 2 yrs. They colored pictures and hung them on the walls. They were so excited to give me their gift! It was this football! And i loved it!! It's kind of a joke in Brett's family that i am more into sports than most of the boys are---so the gift was perfect!! Brett got me an icecream cake from Baskin Robbins--with applepie icecream. Sounds weird, but you really do have to try it! It's one of my favorites there!July has been so packed with events! It has been busy, but so much fun! Looking back on the past 2 weeks we've had 4 bdays, 3 weddings of family and close friends, fireworks, family parties, some work, lots of softball and a few more things to come here soon. Probably some camping, boating, and our 1 year anniversary! I LOVE SUMMER!!


At 9:14 AM, Blogger Mary Ann said...

Congrats on the 5K! I am proud to say I can run a 5 inch!!! You are looking great! I am jealous! Sounds like your summer is full of daily adventures! I love it! I hope you have fun with each one! Blog ya later!

At 12:49 PM, Blogger The Obergs said...

Yeah right you didn't get tan, you look like a hawaiian babe! I'm glad your birthday was great, the cake looked good but it was no butterfly. . . . :) I'm also proud of you for the 5k, especially for keeping such a good pace. 5k today, marathon tomorrow. So are you guys going out of town for the big anniversary or are we going to bear lake? We'll see you on sunday, and I have a little surprise that I want to show you. but i'm not going to tell you what it is, you are going to die!!

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Jami said...

No, crystal did not get a tatoo, she got her nipple pierced! JUST KIDDING! ha ha ha

She was wearing this amazing pearl ring from ENVY that she has been coveting for months now! i guess she decided not to keep it though, so if you ever want to see it you'll have to touch base with Joy Gall---go figure!!!


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