Saturday, September 16, 2006

more good, more bad...

Well, this week has had just a ton of crazy things going on and somehow it got a little crazier! I am very excited to say that i will be leaving the dental hygiene temping world behind and beginning permanant work 4 days a week!! I was only really working on Thursdays. I picked Monday/Tuesday in a wonderful office in south ogden. On Wednesdays i will be covering a girl for her maternity leave for a couple of months. When i stopped by to meet the doctor he offered me permanent wednesdays even when the other hygienist comes back from maternity leave and then the 2 of us will be working on that day! I really am excited and realize how great the timing was for me. It was nice to have such a flexible summer and to spend a ton of time with brett and our families. Now that school is back in and brett is on more of a strict schedule, i was hoping to find more work opportunities and they seemed to open right up for me! Thanks hygiene angel! I feel really blessed.

On Thursday night around 11 pm my mom called with unbelievable news. Kolby had wrecked her truck. I don't think he could have had a worse week. I guess he was on his way home from a high school homecoming party when it happened. He was pretty close to home, which is also very close to the foothills....deer everywhere. Just after he made a turn from a stop sign some deer jumped out from the trees. I guess he was only about up to 15 MPH and Kolby swerved right to miss the deer which made him hit a power pole on the front of the passenger side and the force of it flipped the truck onto the driver's side. Luckily Kolby had his seatbelt on and he wasn't hurt at all, just really shaken up. He had to pull himself out of the passenger window, since the truck was laying on its side. Of course i was on the phone talking to my mom and my oldest brother while they were getting everything cleaned up. I was freaking out because i couldn't be there. (I don't know how we will ever move far away from home). ANd for any of you readers who know anything about my dad and his temper you know this wasn't a pretty sight, especially for kolby. Even though it was an accident i guess things were pretty intense that night.

So, he will still be going on his first date tonight...the homecoming dance, he just won't be driving! I already called him to give him all the first date tips/rules....compliment her, open all her doors, be a gentleman, hold her purse, hold your elbow out so she can take your arm....i was totally reminiscing about my first date! Hopefully he has a great night and he can get his mind off of all the other pressure he has to deal with. I can't believe he's 16. I'm just glad he wasn't hurt. Like i told my dad, a truck is replaceable...a life is not. Love ya Kolbers!


At 9:03 PM, Blogger Min said...

Not a good week for Kolb! Hope things get better for him. How was his first date?

Congrats on the jobs! It will be really nice to be in the same place all the time.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Mary Ann said...

Man I have not been updated on your life and I just saw you!! So Ohio huh? Wow your future and present seem to be working out! Thank you so much for the pics! I love them. It was so great to see you! I hope next year you will be able to attend:) Way to have a bro with a drivers license--poor kid!

At 6:38 PM, Blogger The Obergs said...

Jam I am super excited for friday!! HOORAY! all three of us will be united once again. I just have to say that Kolby is so cute! I really, really want to set him up with my sis. she turns sixteen on April, 9th tell him to mark it on his calendar. I will see you friday.


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