Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy Hunting!!

On Saturday we were in Morgan for the annual Easter Egg/Breakfast hunt with Brett's family. Tradition in the Anderton family was for the parents to hide breakfast on Easter morning. They have continued this with the grandkids and it gets a little out of hand as you can see in the picture! If you look close, it looks like someone has thrown trash all over the yard, but ACTUALLY, it's full of hidden buckets for each grandkid, lots of candy, easter eggs, small cereal boxes, orange juice and a variety of juice boxes, granola bars, fruit snacks, peeps (of course), toys, rice crispy snacks....and the list goes on! Brett and i were in charge of "hiding" everything! Well, the yard is quite big, but as you can see we ran out of hiding spots...that is when Brett started ripping bags of starbursts open and throwing them up in the air so they landed everywhere!Just a few pictures of the kids on the hunt! This is Ruby, she's the smallest and smartest 2 year old you'll ever meet!
Dexter showing off his findings!
This is Kenyalyn, she's almost 3! She is quite the diva...if you can't tell by her PINK sportscar basket! We had lots of fun watching the kids...i think there were 12 little ones all together!

Then for the adults we played a tournament of Palopola...its a fabulous game for any gathering (outside). I didn't get any pictures, but it's a more fun version of horseshoes...that's the only thing i can compare it to. Anyway, you toss a rope that has a golf ball strung on each end of it. The object you toss it onto is about 3 feet tall made of PVC pipe with 3 rungs (each rung has a point value). You toss the rope and try to wrap it around the rungs....anywho, to make a long explanation short, Brett and i won the tournament out of 7 couples! So, we had first pick of prizes. We picked the gift cards for 9 holes of golf! I'm super excited to use them, although i suck at's always fun to go!


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Min said...

Sounds like a blast!

You guys had much better weather than we did. It was in the 30-40's here. That's not fair! (said in a whiny voice accompanied by foot stomping)

At 8:01 AM, Blogger The Obergs said...

Jami, of course you guys won, you're probably the most athletic girl I've ever met. You should feel lucky, because I was recently told by my husband that I missed out on that gene (even though he's never seen me play a sport...) The easter egg hunt looks so fun and I loved how Brett threw Starburst in the air. That's my kind of hiding. P.S. thanks for the good memories: Jump on it, jump on it! We really all need to do something soon!

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Mom A said...

We call the golf ball game, "SNAKE" because supposedly cowboys used to play it on the fences--except they tossed snakes instead of golf balls on strings. Aunt Kristi


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