Monday, March 05, 2007


hasn't been this fun since i was 7 years old!!! I know i'm a few weeks behind, but you're all used to it by now!! We wen't to Island Park over the long President's Day weekend. Most people enjoy their time there in the winter on snowmobiles, but nope not us...we went hookie-bobbin instead! Check it out! This is Brooke taking a big spill!

This is another good crashHuman Bowling

We hooked up 2 tubes, a snow-skate, and a for all!

These are some before and after pictures!

As you can see, this is quite the entertainment...I would recommend it to anyone!


At 12:50 PM, Blogger The Obergs said...

How fun!!! I'm going to be honest, I've never been hookie bobbin' but it looks like a real good time. Did you guys go up with Brett's family? By the way, it was great to see you guys on saturday, it was nice to be reminded that we actually do still have friends.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger BreAnna said...

Isn't is great to be able to do whatever you want and not have to think "if I break my arm I will fail out of school" ahh, you get your life back! Seriously looks like so much fun.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am with Crystal, i have never hookie bobbed either. Man i have been missing out. I also have to second BreAnna, for so long i have put off so many fun things for fear of hurting my arm. During school especially, but have to say, it still goes through my mind when i am out doing something "dangerous!" Ha!! Hope all is well. How are you doing job hunting in Ohio?


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