Saturday, October 15, 2005

Snip Snip!

Well, I finally did it! After about 5 years of talking about it...i cut my hair. It sounds dumb that it was even a big deal, but it was a big day for me! I've always had long hair. I've been saying i wanted to cut it for a long time but inside i knew i wasn't ready! A couple years ago i dated this kid who always flipped whenever i would even get a trim. Lots of guys are weird about long hair. When we broke up i was a little on the "bitter" side and i went to the salon and told Brooke to chop it all off. Well, it's a good thing she knew i didn't mean it and she talked me out of it. I think i would have been pretty bummed if i chopped it off just to rub it in someone's face! Anyway, i said i would cut it one day after i got married. So, July came and i got married and it took a couple more months to think on it, but i did it! I made Brett take me to my appointment! He was way supportive, so that was nice! I was a little nervous; it was so fun though, no tears at all! And i LOVE IT! I think there was about 10 inches, so Brooke was sending it to "Locks of Love. "These are the before and afters with brooke my cute friend/ amazing hairdresser! She works at "Panache" in Ogden in case anyone needs a new stylist! You'd love her!


At 4:08 PM, Blogger The Obergs said...

Jami- I love your hair. You have the most gorgeous long hair and the cutest short hair. You're like a camilion (I don't think I spelled that right, and I actually don't think that's what I wanted to compare you to. . . ) Anyway, you look so so so cute either way. I 'm glad Brett supported you because there's nothing worse than when nobody supports you in your big hair decisions. Well kudos to you, I think you look great!

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Jami--you are so cute in your new hair. I was totally shocked to see you with short hair. I guess I didn't think that you would really do it! I am so proud of you for being brave and cutting your hair. It looks so cute on you. Maybe you will get more head massages and your hair played with more now that it is short. Maybe we will all get the "Jami" hair style to finish up the dental hygiene semester! If only we could all be as cute as you! It just isn't fair!


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