Laughing till it hurts
Well, I am really liking this whole blog thing. I like the idea of it when it's not an assignment. Although clinic journals can be entertaining to read and sometimes i even get a kick out of them when i write, i hope with this new blog i will have viewers and commenters other than just those in the dental hygiene world.A lot of my comments will still probably deal with school because that pretty much consumes my life lately, but it's not all that bad. The laughs usually override the tears....actually, if i have tears it's probably from the laughing so hard!! I'm pretty sure i have the funniest girls in the world sitting on all sides of me a couple times a week. Class, clinic, and in a few weeks we'll add another day of laughs at the VA hospital (mostly during carpool). I don't know why everything is so funny, but i've had a better ab workout in the last 5 weeks of school than i did all summer!
Well, for Crystal and Melissa you will be glad to know that i made a crappy dinner tonight. After being married for only 2 mos. i am already running out of dinner ideas. Well i just wanted something easy, but still good and not in the "Macaroni & Sleeze" category. So i call ol' reliable Max (my mom) and she gave me a few ideas! I don't know how the crap you ruin french-bread pizza, but i managed to do it! First of all, i think i am going 1/2 crazy because i opened the french-bread loaf i bought and noticed it was premade garlic bread. I didn't want to make another trip to the store so brett (my cute, helpful hubby) scraped off the majority of the pound of butter that was caked on the bread and i almost gagged. There was tons! Then, i just added the toppings...sauce, cheese, pepperonskis. Sounds ok huh. Well i threw her in the oven...apparently it was a girl?!! I don't know why it tasted like shiz. The bread was really soggy, i think from the leftover butter on it. Brett didn't really even care for it and that's when you know it's bad! He lived in Tonga for 2 years and i can't even mention what they ate over there without losing the nasty pizza i had for dinner! He at a couple pieces...i think just to make me feel better. But, you better believe that went straight to the trash. I can't imagine it would taste any better as a leftover! So crystal...don't feel bad about the enchiladas the other night. I think i'll make PBJ tomorrow! HA HA
Oh, another reason i think i'm losing it is because today when i came home from school i opened the fridge and i had put a box of Wheat Thins in there this morning after i loaded some up in a baggie for my lunch. It wouldn't be so bad, except for that's like the 5th time i've done something like that in the past 3 weeks! Funny, i kept blaming Brett!!
I am laughing right now. Everything about your new blog is a hoot from the title right down to the your last paragraph about the wheat thins. Bob Loblaw, hahaahah I totally watched that episode on monday, surprisingly it wasn't as funny as the commercials. Oh Jami, I really am laughing and I love it. I'm so glad to hear about your catastrophicly awful dinner (ok, I'm exaggerating, but it makes me feel better about my skills) Anyway, I'm glad to hear that even Betty Crocker messes up sometimes. I'm sure it wasn't even that bad. Hey, don't ever bag on Maccaroni and Cheese again. That's pretty much my favorite food ever and it's also the only thing I'm good at making, so get off your high betty crocker horse and join the "cheese side". hmmm I don't think that was quite as funny as it was in my mind. Anyway, good luck with your new blog, I hope these personal blogs bring as much laughs as our clinic ones. By the way, I'm totally agreeing with you about the laughs, VA is going to be great.
What! Jami made a dinner that wasn't good! I just can't believe it. I am so glad that you started this little "Bob Loblaw" blog to tell us the truth about you! ha ha ha. I laughed so hard when I read your blog. As for Maccaroni and Cheese--I'm with Crystal--it's one of our main staples. If we ever don't know what to eat--we can narrow it down to mac-n-cheese or ramen noodles. They are quick and easy and loaded with fat. YUM! Thanks for making me laugh. I don't know what I would do without you and Crystal. You're so funny! I'll see you tomorrow.
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